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What we do

SEISMA Magazine is a platform and publication dedicated to bi-directional sciarts interchange.

The sciarts community has deep roots, relevant polymathy and crossovers between the sciences and the arts have long been prevalent, but recent centuries witnessed a distancing between these fields. Happily, they are coming together again, and their many similarities – imagination, perseverance, precision of thought and execution among them – allow for easy crossovers, but it can also be where these disciplines differ, the frictions and collisions that ensue, which spark discovery and creative innovation. Novelist and physicist Charles Snow was an advocate for such frictions: ‘the clashing point of two subjects, two disciplines, two cultures.’ He believed these clashes ‘ought to produce creative chances [and] breakthroughs,’ and we believe this too.

SEISMA aims to showcase and to enable these crossovers and collisions.

We are as interested in the ways in which the arts might contribute towards scientific research as we are in the ways in which science might influence the arts and we endeavour to facilitate in-depth communication between these disciplines.


Our biennial print and digital publications each explore a specific science theme and investigate related creative work. Each print issue includes scientific secondary review papers, features, interviews, articles, and original creative and research work. The theme we are exploring for our current edition is entomology. Our print editions are available from our store, and their digital versions can be found on Issuu here.


Our focus for this website is to explore overarching crossovers between science and the arts. This platform is not theme specific, and includes articles, interviews, and regular feature series. We also showcase original creative work, both submissions and commissions.


We organise symposia and showcase events.

Most recent show: SEISMIC: Art Meets Science at GIANT Gallery, Bournemouth. For more information, please visit our events page here.

The chances are there now
— C P Snow